Thursday, November 5, 2009


I was not able to melt a hole through the aluminum block engine. The video will be posted as soon as I get the file from the photographer.

We will modify the delivery and increase the scale before the semester is out. As Mr. Freeze (from the old and so-bad-that-it's-good original Batman TV series) would say:

Revenge! I will have Revenge!!!!!!!!


  1. I am uploading an edited version to YouTube at this very moment. The user name is zkuntz. I also have an unedited version of the thermite reaction clip in queue to upload. The title of the edited clip is "Epic Fail Thermite pt. 1" and the unedited clip is "Thermite Reaction Clip Only pt. 1". I will bring you a disc with the videos next week.

  2. You can do it! I believe! I believe!
